St Barnabas Church, Ranmore
We hold services on the first, second and fourth Sundays of each month at 11am and to mark special events in the church year. Please join us.

The church on the North Downs Way
The 'cathedral'
in the woods

What kind of church are we?
The best of the old and the best of the new
We are a Church of England traditional Book of Common Prayer church which is modern and inclusive in its approach to Christianity.
Come to one of our services to explore faith, music, architecture and community. You will be most welcome.
Photo: Andy Scott

The parish of Ranmore is sparsely populated and most of the congregation come from surrounding parishes to experience the special spiritual ambience of this remarkable building, a gem of art and architecture. Most, but not all, services follow the Book of Common Prayer (the church is affiliated to the Prayer Book Society and the Royal School of Church Music). The Whyte Effect, who sing here approximately once a month, are outstanding and make our choral services similar, in standard and atmosphere, to that of a cathedral.
Please come and join in the vibrant life of this church.

Our group of churches
The Parish of St Barnabas Ranmore is joined with St Martin’s, St Paul’s and St John’s parishes in a formal group ministry in the Diocese of Guildford and is part of a united benefice with St Martin's in Dorking.

Questions & Answers
We hope that you might find the answers to some of the questions we are often asked about our church, how it operates and what we do.
When and where does the church meet?
All our services take place in our church with our main act of worship taking place at 11:00am on a Sunday (but not the third Sunday of each month). Click on the button below to find out more details of our services.
What should I expect when I attend the church?
You will receive a very warm welcome and we will be able to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go. Services last approximately an hour and you will be guided through each service by a service sheet.
Refreshments are often served in the church after the 11am service where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions.
Are children welcome?
yes, very much so. While we do not have a junior church programme, there are toys and books at the back of the church.
How do I find you?
Please go to the 'contact us' section of this website (see below).
Can I park nearby?
You can park opposite the church or in the nearby National Trust car park.
Is there a dress code?
Please just be yourself and wear whatever is comfortable.
Do I have to join in?
You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.
I have more questions, how can I get in touch and ask them?
Please talk to anyone in our congregation, particularly our Welcomers who meet you as you enter the church. If you want to contact anyone on the staff team or the church office, please feel free to contact us via the button below.